HKPC Independent Auditor's Report and Financial Statements 2022-2023

5 生產力局 獨立核數師報告及財務報告 HKPC INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2022-23 綜合財務狀況表 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 2023年3月31日 31 March 2023 2023 2022 附註 港幣千元 港幣千元 Notes HK$’000 HK$’000 非流動資產 Non-current assets 物業、廠房和設備 Property, plant and equipment 6 191,696 186,753 無形資產 Intangible assets 7 13,643 9,492 使用權資產 Right-of-use assets 13 569 861 205,908 197,106 流動資產 Current assets 應收賬款及其他流動資產 Accounts receivable and other current assets 9 279,567 229,706 現金、銀行存款及定期存款 Cash, bank balances and fixed deposits 10 1,996,984 1,715,170 2,276,551 1,944,876 流動負債 Current liabilities 應付賬款及其他流動負債 Accounts payable and other current liabilities 11 1,849,725 1,544,750 租賃負債 Lease liabilities 14 533 461 應付稅項 Tax payable 23(c) 46 162 1,850,304 1,545,373 流動資產淨值 Net current assets 426,247 399,503 總資產減流動負債 Total assets less current liabilities 632,155 596,609 非流動負債 Non-current liabilities 租賃負債 Lease liabilities 14 103 466 淨資產 Net assets 632,052 596,143 總資金 Total funds 生產力局應佔資本資助金及儲備 Capital subvention fund and reserves attributable to the Council 630,049 594,137 非控股權益 Non-controlling interests 15(d) 2,003 2,006 非控股權益 總資金 Total funds 15 632,052 596,143 生產力局於2023年7月20日核准並許可發出。 Approved and authorised for issue by the Council on 20 July 2023. Sunny Tan Emil Yu Chen-on 陳祖恒 于健安 主席 副主席 Chairman Deputy Chairman