12 生產力局 獨立核數師報告及財務報告 HKPC INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2022-23 綜合財務報表附註 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 截至2023年3月31日止年度 Year ended 31 March 2023 1. COUNCIL AND GROUP INFORMATION The Council is a subvented body corporate established in 1967 under the Hong Kong Productivity Council Ordinance. The address of its registered office and principal place of operation is at HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong. The principal activities of the Council and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the “Group”) are to promote increased productivity, encourage the more efficient utilisation of resources, and to advise measures designed to increase productivity via development or dissemination of programmes, methods or techniques for the business sectors in Hong Kong. Information about subsidiaries Particulars of the Council’s subsidiaries are as follows: 1. 生產力局和集團資訊 香港生產力促進局(「生產力局」)是一家政府資助機 構,於1967年根據《香港生產力促進局條例》成立。生 產力局註冊辦事處和主要經營地點的地址為香港九龍 達之路78號生產力大樓。 生產力局及其附屬公司(統稱「集團」)的主要業務是促 進提高生產力、鼓勵更有效地利用資源,並通過開發 或傳播活動、方法或技術,提出旨在提高本港工商業 生產力的措施。 附屬公司資訊 生產力局附屬公司的詳情如下: 名稱 Name 註冊成立及 營運地點 Place of incorporation and operation 已發行及 註冊資本 Particulars of issued and registered capital 集團實際 權益 Group’s effective interest 由生產 力局持有 Held by the Council 由附屬 公司持有 Held by subsidiaries 主要業務 Principal activities 生產力科技 (控股)有限公司 HKPC Technology (Holdings) Company Limited 香港 Hong Kong 港幣10,000元 HK$10,000 100% 100% – 香港生產力促進局專 利項目成果商品化 Commercialisation of patents project deliverables of HKPC 生產力 (控股)有限公司 Productivity (Holdings) Limited 香港 Hong Kong 港幣20,000,000元 HK$20,000,000 100% 100% – 投資控股 Investment holding 生產力(東莞) 諮詢有限公司 Productivity (Dongguan) Consulting Co. Ltd. 中國 PRC 港幣5,000,000元 HK$5,000,000 100% – 100% 顧問及培訓服務 Consultancy and training services 生產力(深圳) 諮詢有限公司 Productivity (Shenzhen) Consulting Co. Ltd. 中國 PRC 港幣1,610,000元 HK$1,610,000 100% – 100% 顧問及培訓服務 Consultancy and training services 深圳深港生產力基地 有限公司 Shenzhen SZ-HK Productivity Foundation Co. Ltd. 中國 PRC 人民幣1,540,000元 RMB1,540,000 64.94% – 64.94% 顧問及培訓服務 Consultancy and training services 深圳深港生產力 基地培訓中心 Shenzhen SZ-HK Productivity Foundation Training Institute 中國 PRC 人民幣50,000元 RMB50,000 64.94% – 100% 培訓服務 Training services