
第十三届TBS DigiCon6大赏公佈香港区选拔赛结果


由日本TBS电视台主办的「第十三届TBS DigiCon6大赏」日前(2011年11月18日)在东京举行颁奖礼。今年香港区选拔赛第一名由香港理工大学设计学院学生吴浩然创作的剧情片「不知者」夺得,故事讲述关于男主角因归咎父亲死亡是由一名女子疏忽导致而触发连串事件。得奖者随同由香港生产力促进局(生产力局)及香港数码娱乐协会组织的代表团出席典礼,并亲自上台领奖。

第二及第三名分别为香港电台及Red Production Limited创作的「童真老人」;及香港电台及线美动画媒体有限公司创作的「穷香里」。这两个作品分别讲述老婆婆在医院的温情故事及金融海啸过后的贫穷问题。






如欲查询DigiCon6大赏香港区比赛详情,请与生产力局黎颖诗联络,电话:(852) 2788 5779,电邮:norellelai@hkpc.org。新闻界如有其他垂询,请致电(852) 2788 5036或电邮︰felixchan@hkpc.org与生产力局企业传讯部陈尚匡联络。

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「第十三回TBS DigiCon6大赏」香港区选拔赛 - 五强作品资料


名次 : 1st     作品 : 不知者 创作单位 : 吴浩然(香港理工大学设计学院)   作品简介 A man believed his father’s death was caused by negligence of a woman who was deemed as the murderess and everybody thought they knew the truth. The truth is actually somewhere between the lines of perception.

名次 : 1st    
作品 : 不知者
创作单位 : 吴浩然(香港理工大学设计学院)

A man believed his father’s death was caused by negligence of a woman who was deemed as the murderess and everybody thought they knew the truth. The truth is actually somewhere between the lines of perception.

名次 : 2nd     作品 : 童真老人 创作单位 : 香港电台/Red Production Limited  作品简介 The old lady Mui was abandoned by her family. She has lost the warmth of a home. She is also too frail that she often goes in and out of the hospital. Mui feels gloomy and loses hope about her life.

名次 : 2nd    
作品 : 童真老人
创作单位 : 香港电台/Red Production Limited

The old lady Mui was abandoned by her family. She has lost the warmth of a home. She is also too frail that she often goes in and out of the hospital. Mui feels gloomy and loses hope about her life.

名次 : 3rd     作品 : 穷香里 创作单位 : 香港电台/线美动画媒体有限公司  作品简介 The Lebun brothers went bankrupt after the global financial crisis. They lost their prosperous life and were forced to live with the poor people in the city.

名次 : 3rd    
作品 : 穷香里
创作单位 : 香港电台/线美动画媒体有限公司

The Lebun brothers went bankrupt after the global financial crisis. They lost their prosperous life and were forced to live with the poor people in the city.



作品 : 多啦B 创作单位 : 香港电台/ Pixel Workshop Production Company  作品简介 Tai Hung is an ordinary Hongkonger, living with his family in a housing estate. He had a dream in his childhood to be an inventor but it was not realized. He was unemployed during the global financial crisis and could not find a new job for a long time. He lost his patience and confidence, being doubtful of his attempt and efforts. He began to abandon himself.

作品 : 多啦B
创作单位 : 香港电台/ Pixel Workshop Production Company

Tai Hung is an ordinary Hongkonger, living with his family in a housing estate. He had a dream in his childhood to be an inventor but it was not realized. He was unemployed during the global financial crisis and could not find a new job for a long time. He lost his patience and confidence, being doubtful of his attempt and efforts. He began to abandon himself.

作品 : 和你在一起 创作单位 : 线美动画媒体有限公司  作品简介 A sweltering summer, a fast-paced city, an unlikely encounter between a lonesome boy and a big white bear. In his hands hold an icy cold Twinkie, now being split into two – one for his new friend, another for himself. The white bear then stayed, sharing his many tales, and showing the boy a world out of his urban experience. Immersing in the bear’s stories, the boy discovers another contour of their lives.

作品 : 和你在一起
创作单位 : 线美动画媒体有限公司

A sweltering summer, a fast-paced city, an unlikely encounter between a lonesome boy and a big white bear. In his hands hold an icy cold Twinkie, now being split into two – one for his new friend, another for himself. The white bear then stayed, sharing his many tales, and showing the boy a world out of his urban experience. Immersing in the bear’s stories, the boy discovers another contour of their lives.


「第十三届TBS DigiCon6大赏」香港区选拔赛第一名作品得奖者吴浩然在日本颁奖典礼上发表得奖感受

「第十三届TBS DigiCon6大赏」香港区选拔赛第一名作品得奖者吴浩然在日本颁奖典礼上发表得奖感受

吴浩然(前排左二)与「第十三届TBS DigiCon6大赏」的其他得奖者大合照

吴浩然(前排左二)与「第十三届TBS DigiCon6大赏」的其他得奖者大合照

