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Mr Mohamed Din Butt, MH Executive Director
Mr Mohamed D. Butt, MH
Executive Director

Mr Mohamed Butt has been the Executive Director of HKPC since December 2017, leading HKPC to promote Hong Kong’s development into an international innovation and technology hub through advanced technologies, Government funding scheme management and FutureSkills training.

Mr Butt had previously held leading roles in a number of multinational corporations. He had worked for General Electric (GE) for over two decades, where he held various senior management positions including President & CEO of GE’s transportation business in the Asia Pacific region. During the time, he was tasked with providing strategic leadership for the expansion of business footprints, spearheading large transformational projects in collaboration with private and public sectors in the region. Before such roles, he also served as President & CEO of GE Lighting Asia and GE Security Asia respectively.

With more than 30 years of executive leadership experience, Mr Butt is deeply knowledgeable in infrastructure, manufacturing and consumer market development, backed by his profound strategic mindset and rich business insights. He also possesses excellent management skills and the ability to drive sustained service excellence and innovation in teams.

Mr Butt is dedicated to promoting technological innovation, particularly in the area of manufacturing technology in the Greater Bay Area (GBA), for local SMEs to upgrade and transform. He is also keen to drive the realisation of R&D outcomes by GBA enterprises and enrich the local I&T talent pool, in support of the Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Development Blueprint promulgated by the Government.

Mr Butt graduated from Winona State University, Minnesota, US, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration. He also possessed a Master in Business Administration degree from Kellogg School of Management and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Mr Edmond Lai Shiao-bun, Chief Digital Officer
Mr Edmond Lai Shiao-bun
Chief Digital Officer

Mr Edmond Lai joined the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) in 2018 to lead the digital transformation, smart manufacturing and Mainland business of the HKPC. Mr Lai is an expert in Industry 4.0 (i4.0) and Enterprise 4.0 (e4.0) business transformation, as well as digital product development, with experience in local and overseas market development.

Prior to joining HKPC, Mr Lai worked in General Electric (GE) for more than 20 years. He successfully completed the management trainee programme in the information technology department of the multinational company, and then had also served in their internal audit and finance functions. He also spearheaded his expertise across other business units, such as aviation, capital, healthcare, plastics, power, transportation, etc., among various regions including Greater China, Australia, Japan, Singapore, Switzerland, the United States, etc. He also assumed regional and global responsibilities to drive the business growth for various industries, such as energy storage, mining, marine, rail, renewable energy, thermal power generation, etc.

Mr Lai held the Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering) and Master of Philosophy (Computer Science) degrees from the University of Hong Kong.

Dr Lawrence Cheung Chi-chong, Chief Innovation Officer
Dr Lawrence Cheung Chi-chong
Chief Innovation Officer

Dr Lawrence Cheung has over 30 years of experience in managing research and development and consultancy business portfolio. In HKPC, he currently manages broad business functions on technology research and development as well as consultancy services in smart living, automotive, 5G applications, gerontech, green living technology, testing, food processing & Chinese medicine, FutureSkills training as well as SME and Startup support.

He is respectively a Member of Assessment Committee of Green Tech Fund in the Environmental Protection Department; a Member of Steering Committee on Promotion of Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VPET) and Qualifications Framework (QF) in the Education Bureau, and, a Member of the Sub-group on Research Postgraduate Programmes for the Planning Exercise for the 2025-28 Triennium under the University Grants Committee.

He is also an Honorary Advisor of the Hong Kong Electronics and Technologies Association; one of the Vice Chairman of the Hong Kong Wireless Technology Industry Association and an member of the Executive Committee of the Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association; Member of Innovation & Technology Development Committee in Federation of Hong Kong Industries; and Member of Industry & Technology Committee in Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce.

Prior to joining HKPC, Dr Cheung was living in Australia holding a senior research position in Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) of Australia. He obtained Bachelor of Engineering with first class honours and Bachelor of Science degrees from Monash University in Australia. His doctorate degree on Computer Imaging research was also from Monash University. Dr Cheung joined HKPC in 1996.

Ms Vivian Lin, Chief Operating Officer
Ms Vivian Lin
Chief Operating Officer

Ms Vivian Lin joined HKPC in 2013 and has over 30 years of experience in her profession of financial management in large corporations. Ms Lin is responsible for overseeing HKPC’s secretariat service for Government funding schemes. She is tasked with leading, integrating, cross-fertilizing and leveraging the funding schemes to upgrade and transform the industries as well as proactively pulsing enterprise and industry needs, developing and enhancing the schemes to serve industry-wide business.

Before her present position, Ms Lin has been leading the finance and procurement arm of HKPC to provide effective services and solutions to business divisions and subsidiaries to the Council, achieving operation excellence in finance and procurement through process simplification and digitalisation. She is also experienced in liaising and collaboration with government authorities. Prior to joining HKPC, Ms Lin worked in Philips Healthcare for 15 years with commercial exposure in Asia Pacific region.

Ms Lin graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Accounting and received a Master of Science degree in Accounting and Finance from University of Manchester, UMIST, UK. She is also a Fellow Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA).