Smart Wearables, Watch and Clock Technology Centre (formerly the Hong Kong Watch & Clock Technology Centre), established with the ITF funding of the Hong Kong SAR Government, is jointly managed by the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) and the Hong Kong Watch Manufacturers' Association Limited (HKWMA).
Smart Wearables, Watch and Clock Technology Centre provides a comprehensive range of consultancy and support services for the smart wearables, watch & clock industry. The Centre offers not only over 50 different independent testing services for traditional quartz and mechanical watches in compliance with international & Swiss standards, but also the smart wearable testing services, including the performance testing of devices for measuring steps, heart rates, blood pressure and oxygen content in blood.
The objective of the Centre is to assist the local smart wearables, watch & clock industry to strengthen their competitiveness and leading position in the global market. The Centre acts as a central body to transfer relevant technologies to support Hong Kong manufacturers. It also provides independent testing services in quality assurance, particularly in areas where tests are unavailable commercially, to improve product quality and management capabilities.
The Centre aims to help local manufacturers keep abreast of the latest technology developments worldwide and facilitates technology transfer to the local industry. It incorporates workshops for the development of new manufacturing techniques that enable manufacturers (SMEs) to enhance their manufacturing capabilities.
The Centre provides technical services and training to local industry in the following areas:
The Centre provides technical services and training to local industry in the following areas:
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