(Hong Kong, 4 September 2023) Hong Kong Productivity Council Cyber Security (HKPC Cyber Security) launched “Smart & Secure City Hall” (the Hall) today to showcase various application solutions of cyber security, Internet of Things (IoT), multi-cloud, connected vehicles and smartphone security, privacy protection of personal data, and security surveillance, etc. Cyber security is a vital component of building a smart city. HKPC Cyber Security is committed to providing world-class advanced technologies and innovative services, and assisting organisations of all sizes to improve their cyber security posture and protect against potential threats. Through the Hall, HKPC Cyber Security aims to raise awareness of cyber security among enterprises and the public, while promoting the adoption of innovation and technology (I&T) that will contribute to Hong Kong‘s development into an international I&T centre and a smart city.
Mr TANG Ping-keung, Secretary for Security of the HKSAR Government, Hon Sunny TAN, Chairman of HKPC, and Mr Mohamed BUTT, Executive Director of HKPC, officiated the opening ceremony of the Hall.
Supported by over 40 groups and organisations from technology industry, academia and public sectors, the Hall showcases 15 innovative cyber security solutions to enable the industry and the public to experience and learn about the latest development trends and application solutions of cyber security. The Hall includes the most recent technologies and solutions of cyber security across the Government, industry, academia and research sectors. The Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre (HKCERT) presents six common characteristics of phishing attacks, including fake senders, grammatical errors, unrealistic rewards, and misleading links, etc. “Seeing is not always believing”, HKCERT has also set up an interactive device to introduce DeepFake technology to enhance public defence capabilities against fraud and online pitfalls. The “CyberDefender Metaverse” platform of the Hong Kong Police Force consists of three different virtual spaces, including the Web 3.0-themed Gallery and the Auditorium. Participants are free to enter and explore the platform to gain firsthand experience of the metaverse and learn about related knowledge in order to better prepare for the challenges of future digital development by simply scanning a QR code. The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong and Consumer Council also present practical tips on digital identity, privacy protection, and cyber security in home surveillance cameras. In addition, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University has also showcased a smart defence system for connected vehicles and smartphone security.
Cyber security threats and attacks have become increasingly frequent. In the first half of 2023, HKCERT handled a total of 3,802 security incidents. The majority of these incidents were related to botnets, totalling 1,814 cases (48%). Phishing attacks were the second most common, with a total of 1,734 cases (46%), representing a 17% increase compared with the first half of 2022. Furthermore, the number of phishing URLs increased significantly by 22% compared with the first half of 2022, reaching 10,627 links. Recently, HKCERT has identified five major information security risks that warrant attention in 2023, including phishing attacks for identity or credential theft, attacks using artificial intelligence (AI), crime-as-a-service, security risks associated with Web 3.0, and widespread application of IoT, which creates more opportunities for attacks. The Hall aims to enhance the understanding of enterprises and the public regarding the security threats posed by new technologies such as AI, blockchain, cryptocurrency, metaverse, etc. Through the rich displays and interactive activities in the Hall, HKPC Cyber Security hopes to educate the industry and the public on how to utilise technologies like cyber security monitoring and data analysis to prevent cyber attacks and crimes, including preventing the leakage of sensitive personal information to ensure personal privacy protection.
Mr TANG Ping-keung, Secretary for Security of the HKSAR Government, said in the opening remarks, “Today’s exhibition is not just about the building of a ‘smart city’, but the word ‘secure’ is the core of it, and cyber security is the highlight of this exhibition. Various booths showcase different advanced cyber technologies, cyber security preventive measures, as well as research and testing in collaboration with local universities. HKPC is also very forward-looking. In addition to the exhibition, HKCERT has also been providing support services on cyber and information security to local enterprises and the public, and organises the annual ‘Information Security Summit’[1], which brings together experts and representatives from around the world to explore the development of the cyber security industry.”
Hon Sunny TAN, Chairman of HKPC, said, “HKPC aims to raise awareness of the importance of cyber security and promote the adoption of advanced technologies in building a smart and secure city through the ‘Smart & Secure City Hall’. The global digital transformation has made information security incidents more sophisticated and complicated. HKPC and HKCERT are committed to safeguarding local enterprises and citizens from potential threats, providing analysis and advice on important information security issues. We believe that through collaborative efforts, Hong Kong can establish a world-class smart city that is secure, efficient, and sustainable, leveraging innovative technologies.”
A panel discussion featuring "Cyber Security Tips for Individuals and Enterprises in a Smart & Secure City” was held following the opening ceremony. Experts were invited, including Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling, Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data of Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong, Ms Gilly WONG Fung-han, Chief Executive of Consumer Council, Mr CHEUNG Yee-wai, Deputy Government Chief Information Officer (Acting)/Assistant Government Chief Information Officer of Office of the Government Chief Information Officer of the HKSAR Government, and Ms Frances LEE King-hei, Senior Superintendent of Police of Hong Kong Police Force, to share insights on the cyber threats and common cybercrimes faced during the development of a smart city, and exchange views on how to safeguard personal privacy and enhance awareness of cyber security at both individual and enterprise levels.
Please refer to the Appendix for some of the exhibits of “Smart & Secure City Hall”.
[1]This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Summit, which will be renamed to “Cyber Security Summit Hong Kong 2023” (CS Summit) and will be held on 11 – 12 September. To register, please visit the website: https://www.cssummit.hk/registration/.
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Mr TANG Ping-keung, Secretary for Security of the HKSAR Government (middle), Hon Sunny TAN, Chairman of HKPC (right) and Mr Mohamed BUTT, Executive Director of HKPC (left), officiated the opening ceremony of “Smart & Secure City Hall”.
Accompanied by Hon Sunny TAN, Chairman of HKPC (third from left); Mr Mohamed BUTT, Executive Director of HKPC (third from right); and Dr Lawrence CHEUNG, Chief Innovation Officer of HKPC (second from right), Mr TANG Ping-keung, Secretary for Security of the HKSAR Government (second from left), visited the “Smart & Secure City Hall”.
(Starting from the left) Ms Frances LEE King-hei, Senior Superintendent of Police of Hong Kong Police Force, Ms Gilly WONG Fung-han, Chief Executive of Consumer Council, Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling, Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data of Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong, Mr CHEUNG Yee-wai, Deputy Government Chief Information Officer (Acting)/Assistant Government Chief Information Officer of Office of the Government Chief Information Officer of the HKSAR Government and Ir Alex CHAN, General Manager, Digital Transformation of HKPC, shared their insight about developing a smart and secure city.
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