Intellectual Property (IP) Protection and Management
Assist enterprises to understand the latest technological development of their industries through patent mapping, and carry out patent search and analytics to evaluate the market potential of new inventions
Assist enterprises to understand the value of their brands, and carry out trademark search and analytics to evaluate the likelihood of trademark registration
Assist enterprises and inventors to capitalise on their intellectual works through IP registrations around the world
Assist enterprises to enhance their IP knowledge through workshops
Service Details:
Patent Application Grant (PAG)
HKPC is the implementation agent of the HKSAR Government's "Patent Application Grant" Scheme.
IP Consultancy Services
Review IP portfolio to identify useful IP for maintenance
Provide IP consultation workshop to:
create and enhance awareness of different types of IP and ways of protection;
identify pain points of the enterprises’ IP protection strategies;
develop practical knowledge and skills in the field of IP with best practice sharing to improve productivity and minimise risks;
impart the use of IP to create value from ideas and transform into sustainable business success
IP Search and Analytics
Conduct patent and trademark clearance search from major countries around the world to identify potential obstacles for protection
Conduct patentability search to help clients find relevant prior art and to evaluate patentability
Carry out patent mapping, identify related patent information and advise clients on the stage of development of the specified technology so as to help them assess the market potential of their new inventions
IP Protection:
Collaborate with local and overseas IP professionals to provide worldwide IP registration services
Intellectual Property (IP) Protection and Management
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