Super Lightweight Magnesium – Lithium Alloy-to provide lightweight Magnesium-Lithium alloy composition design, manufacturing technology and equipment support to local manufacturers.
Thermal Conductivity Aluminum – Silicon Alloy-to develop and fabricate tailored high thermal conductivity and low thermal expansion Aluminum-Silicon alloy for electronics thermal management. The service includes material composition and function design, as well as fabrication and equipment.
Aluminum-Silicon-Graphite Flake Composite – to offer hot pressing technology for Aluminum-Silicon-Graphite flake composite fabrication technology and consultancy service. This composite has outstanding combination of high thermal conductivity and low thermal expansion.
Metal Fracture Analysis and Product Life Enhancement – to provide consultancy on root cause analysis of fracture metal products and advisory services on design, production, operation and maintenance so as to extend product life.
Phase Change Materials – to develop high thermal storage materials for Li-ion battery package thermal management. This service includes phase change material design, Li-ion battery package assembly line.
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