(Hong Kong, 6 September 2022) “Information Security Summit 2022”, jointly organised by the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) and 10 leading information security organisations, is the insight-packed flagship cyber security event in Hong Kong which was first staged in 2003 and with 20 years of history. It aims to provide participants with the latest information security trends and developments.
The theme this year is “Security Transformation for the Next Normal - Evolution of Risk Management and Data Protection in a Post Pandemic World”. The 2-day Summit held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 6 and 7 September focuses on how enterprises can transform their security successfully under the cyber security challenges and escalating cyber threats for the next normal. Topic covers emerging cyber attacks and technologies, new security defence framework and risk management methodologies.
Professor SUN Dong, Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry of the HKSAR Government, was the Guest-of-Honour at the opening ceremony of the Summit. Other officiating guests included Mr Victor LAM, Government Chief Information Officer of the HKSAR Government, along with Mr Sunny TAN, Chairman, and Mr Edmond LAI, Chief Digital Officer of HKPC, as well as Mr Dale JOHNSTONE, Chairman of Organising Committee of “Information Security Summit 2022”.
Professor SUN Dong, Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry of the HKSAR Government, said, “Over the past two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has compelled more businesses to accelerate their digital transformation by trying different emerging technologies. Indeed, this transformation has added impetus to our economic growth but also triggered concern over cyber security. According to the Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre (HKCERT), cyberspace threat detections increased more than 20 per cent in the first four months in 2022 as compared to the same period last year. In light of growing cyber security risks, both public and private organisations have to remain vigilant and develop effective strategies to mitigate the risks. Particularly, it is essential to strengthen the IT infrastructure, defence and incident response capabilities and security awareness to address the challenges ahead. The Government also attaches great importance to cyber security. We have been adopting a multi-pronged strategy to enhance Hong Kong’s overall cyber security capabilities. In view of this never-ending battle, it is important for us to step up our cyber security efforts to better protect the community.”
According to the latest quarterly report of the Hong Kong Security Watch Report compiled by HKCERT under HKPC, the number of local websites involved in cyber security events in the second quarter of 2022 rose by 94% and phishing-related events increased by 524% when compared to the first quarter. These figures are alarming and demanding businesses and organisations, no matter large or small, to formulate and implement an advanced and effective cyber security strategy without delay.
Mr Sunny TAN, Chairman of HKPC, said, “COVID-19 has significantly changed the way we live and we work. Remote work, mobile platforms and shifts increasingly hinged on cloud connection to ubiquitous and large data sets, have undoubtedly brought convenience to enterprises and simultaneously exposed them to cyber threats. Increased variety and volume of attacks, such as Phishing, Malware, Botnet, Web Defacement are often seen in this digitalised and technology driven era. In severe cases, enterprises may result in business disruption, and significant reputation and financial loss. Hence, it is imperative to enhance cyber security on both corporate and individual level as we enter the Next Normal.” TAN added, “We hope this annual Summit can bring participants valuable and timely insights to help them formulate effective cyber risk management strategy and achieve security transformation for the next normal.”
Information Security Summit 2022 is a cluster of local, Mainland and overseas experts who will share their experience and knowledge on how enterprises can transform their security successfully amid various cyber security challenges and the escalating cyber threats for the Next Normal. Besides, a series of technical workshops will be held from late September to December to keep industry practitioners abreast of the latest security technologies and solutions to lift cyber security to the next level. Interested parties are welcome to visit https://www.issummit.org for details and registration.
In addition to the Summit, HKPC and HKCERT have strived to promote higher cyber security awareness and offer effective solutions and advice on the implementation of cyber security measures. Recent initiatives include the publication of Incident Response Guideline for SMEs, collaborating with Cybersec Infohub to launch the Open Threat Intelligence Campaign, and co-organising sharing sessions with industry associations including jewellery, shipping and logistics, printing, information technology to strengthen the information security awareness and response capability of SMEs.
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The opening ceremony of the “Information Security Summit 2022” was officiated by Professor SUN Dong, Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry (centre), and Mr Victor Lam, Government Chief Information Officer of the HKSAR Government (second from left), along with Mr Sunny TAN, Chairman (second from right), and Mr Edmond LAI, Chief Digital Officer of HKPC (first from right), as well as Mr Dale JOHNSTONE, Chairman of Organising Committee of the Summit (first from left).
Professor SUN Dong, Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry (front row, centre), and Mr Victor Lam, Government Chief Information Officer of the HKSAR Government (front row, second from left), along with Mr Sunny TAN, Chairman (front row, second from right), and Mr Edmond LAI, Chief Digital Officer of HKPC (front row, first from right), as well as Mr Dale JOHNSTONE, Chairman of Organising Committee of the “Information Security Summit 2022” (front row, first from left), posed for a group photo with the organisers of the Summit.
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