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Press Releases


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HKPC Welcomes Reappointment of Hon Sunny TAN as Chairman 26/07/2024
HKPC Offers 30% Concession of Manpower Cost to Applicant Company of the “NIFS“ Supporting Industries in Establishing Smart Production Lines Bring "Made in Hong Kong" to Live 24/07/2024
“Play 4 Performance” Gamification Revolutionises Corporate Training HKPC Academy Empowers Employees' FutureSkills and ESG Awareness 23/07/2024
The “BUD Fund” Launches “E-commerce Easy” Empower Hong Kong Enterprises in Seizing Mainland Opportunities 15/07/2024
HKPC “ESG One Mid-Term MeetUp” Enhancing the Power of Enterprises for A Sustainable Green Hong Kong 12/07/2024
Hong Kong’s First “Future Manufacturing Hall” Grand Opening HKPC Heralds a New Era of Industrial Transformation Promoting “Microfactory” to Enhance New Productive Forces Aiding Hong Kong’s Development as an International I&T Centre 08/07/2024
HKPC “Summer TechEd Fest 2024” Kicks Off Integrating Arts with Technology “A+ STEM” to Cultivate Diverse Talent 05/07/2024
FLAIR Debuts at WAIC 2024, Showcasing "FUTURE FACTORY" Concept 05/07/2024
HKCERT Rebrands for a New Paradigm of Cyber Security with AI-Driven Cyber Threat Alerts Strengthens International Collaboration for Cyber Attacks 25/06/2024
HONG KONG EMPLOYERS EXPECT A POSITIVE HIRING PACE BUT TURN CONSERVATIVE IN 2024 Q3 ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey Reported 21/06/2024
LOGTECH Expo 2024 Officially Launched Today Over 30 Technology Solutions and Training on Smart and Green Logistics Showcased Industry Leaders Share Insights Comprehensive Support for the Logistics Industry's Upgrading and Transformation Encouraging the Development of the Industry Towards Smart and Green Logistics Through Effective Use of Government Funding Support 12/06/2024
生產力局「中小企資援組」推「Tech Buddy」 提供全方位技術支援 助企業把握內地龐大商機 (Chinese only) 05/06/2024
“Hong Kong Tech Challenge Game 2024” Concludes on a High Note Hong Kong Team's Quarter-final Finish Showcases Youth's I&T Capabilities 04/06/2024
Hong Kong Secondary Students Shine at the F1 in Schools Hong Kong Development Class Competition, Vying for a Spot on the International Stage 27/05/2024
HKPC Releases 2022-2023 “Environmental, Social and Governance Report” Endeavouring to Help Hong Kong Achieve Sustainability and Build a Green Future 23/05/2024
HKPC Academy and Zhongshan Whampoa International Education Sign MOU to Foster TechEd Development in GBA and to Strengthen the National I&T Talent Pool 14/05/2024
HKPC Attracts Global I&T Talent in “CareerConnect Expo” Driving Hong Kong's Development as an International Talent Hub 09/05/2024
HKPC and HP Launch Joint Technology Centre in Hong Kong on Advanced 3D Printing 07/05/2024
“HKPC SME Support” Announces “Standard Chartered Hong Kong SME Leading Business Index” Q2 2024 Overall Index Rebounded by 3.6 to 47.3 Rising Outflow of Local Consumer Spending May Increase Pressure on SMEs The Government Promotes Mega Events to Boost the Economy 30/04/2024
Hong Kong's R&D Receives International Recognition HKPC's "InspecSpider" Wins Prestigious "Edison Award" in Innovation Field Hong Kong's First High-mast Lighting Inspection and Maintenance Robot Enables Intelligent Transformation in the Infrastructure Industry 19/04/2024
HKPC Collaborates with JinTech Semiconductor to Promote Smart Microelectronics Manufacturing in Hong Kong 18/04/2024
HKPC Welcomes the Passage of the Safeguarding National Security Bill Strengthening the Foundation of the Rule of Law Ushering the New Chapter of Hong Kong into International Innovation and Technology Centre 20/03/2024
逾30間中小企參與生產力局「商聚考察團」菜鳥智慧港香港總部取經 善用政府資助走向智慧綠色物流及ESG (Chinese Only) 15/03/2024
HKPC Holds "TVP Tactic Day" Introducing Digital Signing of TVP Funding Agreements and Streamlining Application Procedures 13/03/2024
HKPC Warmly Welcomes the Conclusion of the 2024 Two Sessions Developing New Quality Productive Forces of Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area with I&T and Promoting New Industrialisation 11/03/2024
Launch of CMDF Showcase Event to Share Achievements, Promote Chinese Medicine Culture to Public and Remark a New Mileage of Chinese Medicine Development 08/03/2024
HKPC and HIT's State Key Lab Signed I&T Development MOU Boosting Environmental Engineering Technological Innovation in Hong Kong and Mainland 01/03/2024
HKPC Welcomes 2024-25 Budget Seizing Opportunities, Forging an International Innovation & Technology Centre, Aspiring High-quality Development 28/02/2024
HKPC Academy and Tung Wah College Join Hands to Foster Gerontechnology R&D Services and Nurture Future I&T Talent 21/02/2024
生產力局全力支持香港特區《基本法》第23條立法 以法治為基石 締造優質營商環境 促進經濟和創科高質量發展開創新篇章 (Chinese Only) 01/02/2024
HKCERT Releases Annual Information Security Outlook and Forecast Next Level Phishing Attacks Difficult to Distinguish Hackers Exploit AI for Crimes Could Become a New Normal 01/02/2024
HKPC Hosts the 4th “Winter InnoTalent” Internship Programme Graduation Ceremony Empowering Interns to Experience New Industrialisation, Nurturing I&T Talent, Leading “Hong Kong Got Industries” Into a New Chapter 31/01/2024
“CabCab,” the First Certified Smart Taxi Metre Launches Pilot with 100 Taxis Affirms Achievements of Local Scientific Research Supports Industry Moves Towards Intelligent Mileage 31/01/2024
“HKPC SME Support” Announces “Standard Chartered Hong Kong SME Leading Business Index” Q1 2024 Overall Index Retreated by 3.9 to 43.7 SMEs Have Plans of Selling Online in the Mainland 30/01/2024
HKPC “Foresight 2024” ESG One – Driving ESG For Big & Small Businesses Strategising the 2024 ESG Roadmap with the Business Community 22/01/2024
“HKPC Funding Schemes” Announces Findings on “SME Development and Support” Nearly 70% of SMEs in Hong Kong Urges the Government to Bolster Funding Schemes Related to Marketing and Promotion 17/01/2024
【Hong Kong Got Industries!】 Hon Sunny Tan: Focusing on Innovation & Technology and Attracting More High-End Manufacturing to Hong Kong Over 40 Companies Participate in HKPC’s “Hong Kong Got Industries: Strategic Alliance Showcase” Prominently Supporting “Made in Hong Kong” with Notable Achievements 08/01/2024
Business Leaders across Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao Gathered and Envisioned the Future of I&T and New Industrialisation FHKI’s “GBA iForum and Banquet” Concluded on a High Note 04/01/2024
HKPC Garners over a Hundred Awards and Recognitions in 2023 R&D Achievements Recognised by Various Internationally Renowned Authorities Joins Hands with the Industry to Showcase “Made in Hong Kong” I&T Strengths 03/01/2024
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